If you are looking for female Dogo Argentino puppies for sale & male Dogo Argentino puppies for sale please check back later in the year or go to our available page:

A crate is an excellent way to keep your Dogo Argentino safe in the car. It can also keep your Dogo from getting into trouble in a hotel or at your host’s home.
Make sure your Dogo Argentino has a sturdy leash and collar. The collar should have identification tags with your Dogo’s name, your name, and your home phone number, as well as proof of rabies shots. You can even consider a permanent form of identification, such as a microchip or tattoo. (many local pet stores or vet clinics will make tags for your dogo)
In the Car
Get your Dogo Argentino used to the car by letting him sit in it with you without leaving the driveway, and making sure to give him lots of praise. It never hurts to give him a few treats as well! Once he seems comfortable with the car, turn it on. You want to get your Argentine Dogo acclimated to the sounds and smells of a running car, and then take him along for short rides. In time your Dogo will be ready for the family vacation!
Avoid car sickness by letting your Dogo travel on an empty stomach. Some signs of impending nausea include sudden restlessness and heavy drooling. If your Dogo puppy does vomit in the car, do not reprimand him! This would only serve to stress him more, making vomiting all the more likely next time around. Besides, vomiting is involuntary; it’s something your puppy has no control over. If your Dogo puppy does show signs of nausea, pull over and let him outside for a few minutes. This can aid in settling his stomach, as well as preventing a mess if he does vomit.
Keep the car well-ventilated. If you decided to use a crate in the car, make sure that fresh air can flow into the crate.
Do not let your Dogo ride with his head sticking out of an open window. This can lead to eye injuries.
Never let your Dogo ride in the back of an open truck. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to severe injuries or death.
Stop frequently for exercise and potty breaks. On longer trips usually a break every 1-2 hours is a good rule of thumb.
Car rides can be boring, so if traveling with children, instruct them not to tease or annoy the Dogo in the car.
Never, ever leave your Dogo unattended in a closed vehicle, particularly in the summer. If you must leave the car, designate a member of the family to stay with your Argentine Dogo.